Bravo Objects Series 3: Four Friends From A Chinese Study (Simplified Character Version)
Publication Date:2015-12-01

The third volume in the Bravo Objects series unveils the story behind four writing and learning tools that are uniquely Chinese. ‘Tool’ is perhaps not the most fitting word. Ancient Chinese invented paper and its widespread availability encouraged more people to take up brushes and write. Brushes in hands, people learned to write in a serene and upright manner and turn paper into books as a carrier of knowledge, making China one of the first nations that provided education for the masses.

The use of ink and inkstone is a test of patience – an inkstick is first ground into powder by the inkstone and then mixed with water in a well to produce liquid ink for writing on paper. As well as the best companions of poetry and painting, they are also our much-treasured childhood friends and help prepare us to become intellectuals, calligraphers and even ink and wash painters. In this volume, let’s hear tales about the brush, paper, ink and inkstone from a culturally rich Chinese study!

1. Brush

2. Paper

3. Ink

4. Inkstone

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 The third volume in the Bravo Objects series unveils the story behind four writing and learning tools that are uniquely Chinese

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